Before downloading the documentation on this site, please ensure you’ve contacted us to provide initial advice and confirm a cover can be provided
Please download the following proposals for each of our products
Motor and Caravan Dealership Proposal Motorcycle Dealership Proposal Motor Trades Proposal Unoccupied Property ProposalPlease download the following Renewal proposals for each of our products
Motor and Caravan Dealership Renewal Proposal Motorcycle Dealership Renewal Proposal Motor Trades Renewal ProposalPlease download the following wordings for each of our products
Motor and Caravan Dealer Policy Wording Motorcycle Dealer Policy Wording Motor Trades Policy Wording Unoccupied Property Policy WordingPlease download the following Claim Forms for each of our products
Claim Form - Dealership and Motor Trades Property Claim Form - Dealership and Motor Trades Liability Claim Form - Dealership and Motor Trades Vehicle Claim Form - Unoccupied PropertyPlease download the following Target Market Determination for our Dealership products
TMD - Motor and Motorcycle Dealerships